Converting from RGB to CMYK color mode

There are certain colors that the RGB model uses that fall outside of the color gamut capable with CMYK. When you convert images and colors from RGB (the default color model for display on screens and the web) to CMYK you may notice some considerable color shift. Working in CMYK […]

Perfect printing every time

We want your data to print perfectly — every time. We highly recommend you make use of our design services to be absolutely sure your job prints perfectly, but should you choose to go it alone we have put together this simple guide to help you avoid the pitfalls of […]

Creating perfect PDFs

When submitting data to Mojoprint, be it for a multi-page brochure/magazine or a simple business card, our preferred format is a Press-Ready PDF. This tutorial looks at the steps involved to export problem-free PDFs from Adobe InDesign and Illustrator.

Nobori flags price reduction

Nobori flags are a must-have item for bricks and mortar stores across Japan. Eye-catching and durable, they are a great way to make sure customers can find your business. We have recently acquired a new supplier and can now offer them at even more attractive price points. Get yours today!

2017 Obon Holiday Schedule

Mojoprint will be closed from August 11–16 for the Obon holidays. Any orders placed after 10am on Thursday August 10th will not be processed until we re-open on Thursday 17th at 9am. Please call us if you know you will submitting any time-sensitive orders around this time.

Golden Week holiday information

We will be closed from Wednesday 03 to Friday 05 May for the Golden Week holidays and open again the following Monday (May 08) as usual. Many products and finishing options may not be available during the GW period, so be sure to confirm your printing schedule with us as […]