Our custom shaped stickers can be any shape you like. They are kiss-cut by laser, following a cut path defined in your artwork. Here is how to set that up.
The final artwork must be an Adobe Illustrator ai file, but the sticker design itself can be an embedded non-vector bitmap image as long as it is 300dpi and CMYK color mode.

We define the cut path on a separate layer above the artwork. The path should be:
- 100% magenta 1pt stroke with no fill
- On a new layer named ‘path’
- Within 40 anchor points (keep the path simple)
There must either be at least 2mm of bleed overlapping the cut path, or, if you want to leave a white space around the design, there should be at least 2mm of margin from the cut path.
Tip: You can check the number of anchor points your shape has by opening the [Document info] panel, and selecting [Objects] from the contextual menu. In this case, our path has 20 points.

That’s it.